Mayor's Message

Message From The Mayor

SMILE Surallah, BIDA KA!

I welcome you to Surallah – one of the most competitive municipalities in the country. Fortuitously located in the middle of the municipalities of the Upper Valley, economic, industrial, and developmental opportunities are bountiful.

Thanks to the trust of Surallanhons, I am privileged to serve Surallah as the newly-elected municipal mayor. However, various challenges are in front of us right on the first day: our post-pandemic recovery, our still stabilizing economy, our continuing vaccination efforts, and the urgent need to address our business, trade, tourism, health, and agriculture sectors…to name a few. I understand that, indeed, with all of the obstacles we face, it is necessary that the actions undertaken must be timely, appropriate, concrete, cross-sectoral, and effective.

Thus, to live up to the public trust bestowed on me, I now unveil our flagship program: SMILE Surallah, BIDA KA! – Spatial Multi-sectoral Initiatives towards a Livable Economy for Surallah – Baseline Integration of Development Actions with Keen Advocacy.


With SMILE Surallah, we intend to implement Spatial Initiatives: development programs that are comprehensive, novel, timely, and concrete. In formulating these initiatives, we will be Multi-sectoral: we will listen to valuable inputs from our stakeholders and treat their participation as indispensable. The programs under SMILE Surallah pursue a Livable Economy: an improved and well-maintained economic landscape of Surallah.

To achieve SMILE Surallah, we have BIDA KA as our guiding compass. While our development initiatives are varied, inter-agency, and spearheaded by different working groups, we will ensure that our programs are integrated at the baseline, unified and harmonized with a common goal: our Keen Advocacy. These advocacies revolve around our 8-Point Agenda:

  • Mainstream Integration of Baseline Priorities
  • Aggressive and TImely Delivery of Basic Services
  • Tourism and Socio-cultural Development Institutionalization
  • Investment and Trade Service Rationalization
  • Nature Preservation and Environmental Protection
  • Optimized Human Resource Developmental Potentials and Working Conditions
  • Network Linkages for technology and Fund-sourcing Activities
  • God-fearing Government Workers and Constituency

I urge everyone to read more about my 8-Point Agenda and how we intend to implement them.

We will also implement the CANO Program. I envision this program to delve to the grassroots level – an avenue for the municipal government to empower our barangay LGU’s, confer with civic groups, and reach out to ordinary citizens.

I imagine a SMILE Surallah that complements our shared vision – significantly improved delivery of services and quality of living for all our constituents. I also commit that I will continue the positive programs and ideas of the previous administrations.

Humbly, I aask for everyone’s cooperation and partaking in the endeavors of SMILE Surallah. I intend to proceed as firmly but as empowering and compassionately as possible.

Surely, in the coming months, as we pursue our envisioned programs, reforms, and goals, we can expect to see the SMILE in all of our BIDA – the Surallanhons.

Let me end my message with a quote from Napoleon Hill: “Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can be achieved”.

Mayor Pedro “”Cano Matinong, Jr.